

Camping Abtswoudse Hoeve is located at:

Rotterdamseweg 213-215
2629 HE Delft

P.O. Box 243
2600 AE Delft

Mobile (00)316 2028 7393


You will always receive a confirmation on your email. Otherwise, check your junk mail from time to time or add ofni.[antispam] to your safe senders.



Contrary to the navigation systems, always take the following route from all directions;
A13 exit 10 Delft-Zuid, take exit TU Delft. Turn left in the direction of Schoemakerstraat and continue straight ahead on Huismansingel.
After 430 meters, turn right in the direction of Heertjeslaan and after 720 meters turn left in the direction of the Rotterdamseweg.

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